Sunday, 21 November 2010


Parrot has announced the implementation of its first iPhone game quadricopter AR.Drone controlled released earlier this year. AR.Pursuit is a two-player game that allows users to AR.Drone fighting augmented reality using their IOS devices and cameras embedded in their AR.Drone. In the game, a player takes the role of prosecutor and attempts to target and shoot at his opponent who must try to escape and survive as long as possible without getting hit. The prosecutor uses virtual weapons including a machine gun and automatic missile target and attack his opponent on the run, with AR.Drone physically react to virtual attacks make escape more difficult. The roles continued pursuing / automatically after each missile or at least a point half-time in the game and the winner is the player who survives the longest without being shot. AR.Drone are identified using different color shells outdoors or stickers that can be placed on the inner shell, and a Bluetooth connection is used between IOS devices support multiplayer. AR.Pursuit should be available in the App Store by the end of November.

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