Monday 1 November 2010

iPhone 4 vs. HTC Evo vs. Droid Incredible

Now that the iPhone 4 has been officially revealed and Steve Jobs has shown off all of the supposedly remarkable things it can do, we thought we’d cut through the hype and pit the new iPhone against its competition in the clearest way we know how: with an infographic.
The infographic below compares the latest wave of touchscreen smartphones head-to-head: the HTC Evo, the Droid Incredible and the Apple iPhone 4.
From the Evo’s giant screen, to the Droid’s removable battery, to the iPhone’s 300 hour standby time (advertised), see how the hottest phones stack up. Which of these phones would you rather own? Do you already have any of these phones or do you plan to get one? Let us know in the comments.

credit by MASHABLE

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